Every year we do a Year in Review post, looking back at the year that just passed. (Here’s a look at 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014) I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t too motivated to create this post before New Year’s Eve rolled around. I think I was just tired from the holiday craze and maybe a little anxious about the year ahead, but as I started to look back on 2019, I realized what a year of growth it was. It was different than any year before. We obviously welcomed Oliver into our lives, so there was a lot to be thankful for. It was a year full of love, but also a year of many highs and many lows. Looking back on 2018’s Year in Review post, my head is spinning…there was SO much travel, and we loved every minute of it then. I didn’t realize how different 2019 was for us while we were “in it”, but I guess that’s why I love these posts so very much… it gives us time to reflect, to count our blessings, and to see how we’ve grown through even the most stressful times.
I got pretty emotional looking back on the year, but here are all of our notable moments and stinky ones too, month by month. I hope you take a look because there are a lot of special ones in there, some tears, and some incredible surprises in work and family life. Here’s to 2019 — it taught us so much and truly allowed us to refocus and fall in love all over again! It’s a year I will never forget. Thank you for following along with us every step of the way. It means more than you’ll ever know!
xo, Christina, Robert & Oliver
-We announced we were having a baby and shared the news with you guys on New Year’s Day! The messages we received of love and well wishes was the best way to start off the year! Somehow that photo above feels like a lifetime ago.
-We added laundry in our master closet and maximized on space! It’s been so nice having the washer & dryer in our closet and makes putting away laundry a lot easier.
-Our hot water heater broke — that was fun! Ha It was only out of commission for a few days, but the desert turned us into wimps and we couldn’t handle the cold.
-Shared our master closet reveal and got organized with The Container Store. Somehow we’ve managed to keep this level of organization, with a few slip ups and laundry piles collecting in the middle throughout the year.
-Shared my thoughts on becoming a mother, how I never knew if I would have a baby. It was refreshing and comforting to hear I wasn’t alone.
-Shared a look at my first trimester! I was feeling good with baby boy…a little tired, but I was so excited and loved the beginning of this new journey.
-I reached the halfway point of my pregnancy and was feeling good! It’s so funny looking back at these photos. I remember thinking my belly was so big. I had no idea how much bigger it would get. Ha!
-We talked a lot about becoming parents and Rob shared this really sweet post about becoming a father. He’s definitely lived up to everything he hoped he would be as Oliver’s dad.
-Went to Brooklyn to shoot an exciting travel project in Williamsburg. We spent a few days in SoHo before shooting in Brooklyn, ordered way too much pizza to our hotel room and soaked in the surprisingly cold weather.
-Before making our way into the city, we celebrated our niece’s Christening with family, on Long Island.
–Shared we were having a BOY, with you all! It was so fun sharing this news with you guys. All you moms out there shared so many amazing stories with me while I was pregnant (and still do), and I’m so grateful for that!
–Visited Palm Springs with our friends Matt and Leah.
-Explored some new-to-me safe skincare options while I was pregnant. Making the switch to cleaner products was necessary and obviously healthy. I’m glad I’ve kept this going since having Oliver. Here’s some clean makeup favorites too!
-Celebrated another wedding anniversary together. Six years!
-Kicked off may with my third trimester. It’s so crazy to read this post back and see how I was feeling physically and mentally then. It’s unbelievable how quickly you can forget..I’m glad I recorded all the good and all the bad.
-Nesting was in full effect, as I started to organize every inch of our home before Oliver arrived.
-Surprised our friends with a living room makeover in their new home! This was so special to work on with Home Depot.
-Had a day-date at the pool with Robert and sported a very big belly in a swimsuit for the first time.
-Got super huge while Ollie kept growing in my belly…also, started getting sick in my third trimester. Woo! Ha!
-Designed a fun built-in bookcase for that awkward entry in our home. This was probably my favorite change to the house, in addition to expanding our master bedroom.
-Oliver was born and our family was officially complete! Cannot believe it’s been six months! My heart was not ready for how much I would love this little boy. Going back through some of these posts made me so emotional. It’s been an emotional year, being pregnant and welcoming our baby boy home. I really have no words to describe it.
-Shared Oliver’s nursery reveal and all the meaningful pieces we found for him from various makers.
-Shared Oliver’s birth story…looking back I had no idea it was exactly a month after he was born. It was so special writing down all these thoughts and memories while they were still fresh.
–Our feature in Bon Appétit and Conde Nast traveler was released!
–Danced with Oliver to Taylor Swift and I will never be able to listen to “Lover” now without tearing up.
-Reflected on postpartum life and kept a journal of my feelings during the early days of becoming a mom. It was a whirlwind of emotions.
-Our AC bit the dust during the hottest month of the year and we spent a few nights at a hotel. It was Ollie’s first little over night trip and he was such a trooper. That’s when we started to stretch his nights surprisingly.
-We brought Oliver to Flagstaff for some much needed time outdoors.
-We visited Tucson a lot and spent a lot of time with our friends at their new property, The Posada. It’s amazing and you should definitely check it out.
-Incorporated more sustainable and natural products into our home.
-Shared what sleep with a newborn was like. Man oh man!
-Continued our pumpkin picking tradition and took Oliver to the pumpkin patch for the first time.
-Updated our living room, and fell in love with neutral design again.
-I celebrated turning 32…yes celebrated! It was such a year of growth and love and self-compassion, even though getting older as a woman isn’t celebrated enough. I found the joy and meaning of life this year and who I was meant to be.
-Oliver had his 1st Halloween and was the cutest cowboy. We also decorated the front porch and I can’t wait to do this year after year.
-We worked on a fun bedroom reveal for my sister and her boyfriend. It was really special transforming their rental for them and bringing some of their personalities into the space.
-We learned how to keep our relationship alive in our new role as parents. We dated the heck out of each other, even if it was just while Ollie was napping. I always hated when people would say “date your spouse” but man is it so darn important!
-Had a lot of laughs as a family of three as Oliver’s personality started to shine through more and just had a lot of parent shenanigans that were so simple and perfect in every way possible.
-Spent a lot of mornings in bed cuddling with our little guy.
-Took our favorite lunches to go and had many park dates.
-Reflected on postpartum life and what this new chapter of life has been looking like.
-Visited the plant nursery a lot and planned some yard projects.
-Got outdoors more with Oliver, and went on some local trails and spent many afternoons at the Desert Botanical Gardens.
-Celebrated our first Christmas as parents with Oliver, here in Arizona.
-Made a handprint ornament with Ollie.