Keeping up with our List posts, we’re back for another second Friday of things that are inspiring us these days. Again, this can be anything from a great movie we watched, or a book we can’t put down, and everything in between. We think this is a great way to get a peek into our brains and understand what inspires our posts and writing. We hope you enjoy!
Hedley & Bennett
We had the absolute pleasure of meeting Ellen Bennett a few years back on a work trip and instantly felt connected to her infectious personality. She is every bit as wonderful as you might have imagined if you are a follower. Her company Hedley & Bennett has been a favorite of ours for aprons, smocks, etc., but what they’ve done to help during this pandemic has us so inspired. They have donated over 170K masks to the doctors, nurses, first responders, food service workers, and others on the front line. You can help by purchasing your own Wake Up & Fight mask from them, and they will continue to donate. We will continue to support this awesome business who truly inspires us to be better.
Mrs. America
We’ve been loving the new FX series, Mrs. America. It takes place throughout the 1970s and follows the true story of Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative, anti-feminist who fought against Gloria Steinem and the E.R.A. It has been both interesting to watch and extremely frustrating to see this fight against equality that is still such an issue today. The cast is as good as it gets and the sets, hair, and wardrobe do the 1970s justice. It’s compelling tv at its finest. We’ve been watching it on Hulu.
jenni kayne
We’ve been big fans of the Jenni Kayne brand for a few years now, but have definitely fallen even harder in love with their items as of late. (You could use code CHRISTINA20 for 20% off anything on their site.) Their cozy knits have certainly been put to use throughout this time at home (I’ve been wearing this sweater nonstop), and they have so many great slipper options too. It’s been a big go-to not just for me, but for Rob and Oliver too. We all have our own Jenni Kayne slippers that we wear daily. Also, check out their home pieces. We’re pretty obsessed with their candles, throws, and gorgeous solid oak furniture pieces. They can do no wrong in our book. We recently added this ceramic piece to our collection.
We’ve always been admirers of the Montessori method, but now that Oliver is 10 months old, and growing and developing so quickly, we’re seeing now more than ever, that our the Montessori materials and items we have in his room are really being put to use. It’s been so cool as a parent to watch his focus and curiosity flourish over the past few weeks. The Montessori Toddler has been a great book and guide that we’ve kept at our side lately. One of us is always picking it up and reading excerpts to the other as we engage with Oliver.

With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, we both want to take a moment and thank all the moms out there for all you do every day. Most of us are working from home and parenting these days so I think we’re all feeling the emotions of Mother’s Day approaching much more intensely. Before I became a mom, I thought I understood (on some level) the challenges that come along with being a mom…I truly had no idea. My heart wasn’t ready for the immense amount of love I would have for a tiny human I just met a few short months ago. I also wasn’t ready for the immense amount of confusion or exhaustion that came along with being a mom. I think as women, we want to do it all. We want to be the best caretaker, the best provider, the fun mom, but one who also wants to instill structure….balancing all of these roles daily has made my heart grow and ache in ways I never knew was possible. There have been so many moments throughout this journey where Rob and I have remembered moments from our own childhood and have said, “now I know why my mom would…” To all the moms out there, we see you, we appreciate you and you’re doing an amazing job!
*If you enjoy posts like this one, check out past posts from this series, along with some of our weekend links and shop section for more favorites.
*Daily outfits are always linked here too.
Love these! Would be so interesting to know more about the toys Oliver is enjoying. We have an almost 11 month old so always looking for inspiration!
It’s an object permanence box – he absolutely loves it. We introduced it around 6 months and he was so determined to work at it over and over…great hand eye coordination too! I’m sure your little one would love it. xo