San Diego, CA

Jan 22, 2015 | By New Darlings

New Darlings-WindmillsNewDarlings-SanDiego-3 New Darlings-Coffee and Tea CollectiveNewDarlings-SanDiego-6New Darlings-Pigment ShopProcessed with VSCOcam with c1 presetNew Darlings- San DiegoNew Darlings-Street Style-Black SwanNew Darlings- San DiegoNew Darlings - Coffee and TeaNewDarlings-Before I Die WallNewDarlings-Before I Die Wall NewDarlings-SanDiego-CoffeeCupNew Darlings-MissionCoffeeCupNew Darlings-Betty&June Sweater-FreePeopleNewDarlings-La JollaNewDarlings-La Jolla

For a few months now, we have been itching to take a trip to southern California.  With work and other commitments, we always found a reason to put the trip off, but finally last week, we decided to just go!  So early Saturday morning, we loaded up the car, stopped for some coffee and tea, and hit the road for San Diego!  The five hour drive was half the fun! It was nice to have some alone time, singing along to some of our favorite songs and chatting about the most random things.  We found ourselves in some pretty funny conversations over those hours, laughing way too hard, reminiscing about “old times”, and pulling over to snap a few photos along the way.

We tried to cram in as much San Diego as we possibly could.  We filled those two and half days with a ton of amazing food, coffee shops and boutiques!  We even squeezed in an afternoon at the San Diego Zoo and some time in La Jolla by the water.  Oh, and some pizza in Little Italy, which was definitely the closest thing to “NY style pizza” we’ve experienced since living out west!  San Diego is definitely one of the most beautiful places we’ve been to.  Although we’re not really beach people, there’s something about the fresh, crisp air that rolls off the ocean and we couldn’t get enough if it.  It felt so good to just be able to walk hand in hand down the streets and explore the city together.  It was a much needed getaway in what has felt like a crazy start to the new year.

Thank you so much to everyone who offered us recommendations, via instagram, on places to eat and visit!  We checked out so many of them and now have some favorites to go back to on our next trip to California!

His: Outfit 1: Urban Outfitters buffalo plaid button-down (similar), Levi’s jeans (similar), boots c/o Minnetonka
Outfit 2: CPO button-down, Top Man jeans (similar), watch c/o Daniel Wellington, Top Man boots (similar)
Outfit 3: J.Crew button-down, sweater (similar), Levi’s jeans (similar), Herschel Supply Co. back-pack, Timex watch

Hers: Outfit 1: Urban Outfitters dress, crystal pendant necklace, Elizabeth and James eyeglasses, watch c/o Daniel Wellington, bangles c/o Tiffany Kunz
Outfit 2: top c/o Black Swan, Urban Outfitters shorts, opaque tights, Hinge booties (similar), Free People necklace
Outfit 3: Free People hat, color-block sweater c/o Betty and June, Free People  jeans, Sam Edelman booties, Madewell bag, Nars lip color in “New Lover”

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13 comments on “San Diego, CA”

  1. Sounds like you guys had a great time! The pictures are amazing! Love your blog, your adventures and your wardrobe!❤️

  2. You take just the best travel photos- I loved scrolling through and getting to take a peek into your mini adventure. Also, can we talk about how most trips are just coffee and food breaks peppered in with a bit of sight seeing? Hahah my friends and I went to New Orleans recently and it was literally just popping in from restaurant to restaurant, with a little bit of wandering in between 😉

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

    1. Exactly! Hahaha! Most trips consists of trying out all the great local food and coffee shops…and we love it! 🙂

  3. I have those same booties with the cut outs! Lastttt Chance?! 😉 You guys are the coolest. I love the before I die wall, my husband and I have the book about how that started. 🙂

    xo, grace

    1. I actually got them at Nordstrom, but a friend of mine found the same ones at Last Chance! Definitely need to check that place out. (I still haven’t been.)

      We had no idea there was a book about the “Before I Die Wall”, definitely going to look into that. Thank you!


  4. In what world are those windmills in San Diego? Sorry, you got the California part right, but the windmills are in Palm Springs.

    1. They were on our way driving from Arizona to San Diego. We pulled over on the side of the road to snap some photos, before continuing on to San Diego. 🙂

  5. Love your blog and your style! What were some of your San diego favorites? I’m in town for a few days and need some fun places to check out!

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